The Dark Lord Ye Tian Zi 夜天子 CHAPTER 5


Ye Tian Zi

The Fish That Swimed to the End of the World

    Ye Xiaotian hid Yang Lin's suicide note and walked out of the prison. He bowed to the officers waiting outside the prison door and thanked them respectfully, "Brothers, thank you for waiting for me." The officers nodded at him, he walked to the prison.

    Some prison guards who had received the news had already arrived. As soon as the few officers from the punishment department left, the old cow guarding the prison door walked to ye Xiaotian's side. This old cow was in his early fifties and had been working with ye Xiaotian's father for many years, ye Xiaotian called out: "Uncle Cow."

    The old cow nodded and said to Ye Xiaotian, "I heard about your family matters. Xiao Tian, you are a filial child, gentle and kind, filial to your parents, and respectful to your elders. , Speaking of which, everything is fine. It's just that sometimes, my temperament is a bit... like a donkey." 

    Ye Xiaotian smiled like a shy big girl, and couldn't see the appearance of a donkey at all. 

    The old cow continued to inculcate, "Of course, you're getting older now, and you haven't been a donkey for a long time. But you can't be more careful out there than you are in here. If you have a problem, don't play the Donkey, Huh?"

    Ye Xiaotian said politely: "Uncle Cow, you are right, Xiaotian will definitely not play as a donkey." 

    "Well . , uh huh." 

    Before Old Cow could say "Mm", he was pushed aside by a group of guards in No. 1 prison. The two tall guards put their arms around Ye Xiaotian's shoulders on the left and the right, embracing like a bull and a horse. Follow him out.

    One of the jailers said: "Boss, it doesn't matter if you want to go far, our brothers don't worry. With your heart, you can fool people into thinking you're doing it for their own good, how can you be bullied... .. ."

    Ye Xiaotian said angrily: "Nonsense! Am I that black?" 

    All the jailers said in unison: "Black! Really Black! Black hands can not see five fingers ah!"" 

    Ye Xiaotian: "..." 

    One of the jailers said seriously, "Boss, you are really black when you are black, but you are also really good when you are well.". You are a righteous and responsible man, we believe you from the bottom of our hearts. As soon as you leave, the brothers are quite reluctant to part with you. Let us brothers give you a farewell."

    Ye Xiaotian was a little touched. He stopped and turned to face the crowd, "I appreciate your kindness, brothers," he said. Tomorrow, do today; today, do it now. Since I am leaving, why be a mother-in-law? I am leaving the capital today. I will not drink the farewell wine. I am waiting to drink the welcome wine of my brothers."

    The jailers knew that he was going to see the warden. Some things were intertwined. Seeing that he had already arranged his trip, but he did not ask him to stay any longer, they all stopped in their tracks and bowed their hands to say goodbye to Ye Xiaotian.

    "Have a nice trip, Boss!"

    "Boss, go early and come back early!" 

    There was the cramped jailer who shoved a wooden stick into Ye Xiaotian's hand. 

    Ye Xiaotian asked in surprise, "This is it?" 

    The jailer smiled and said, "Boss, if you can't get along outside, this stick can be used to beg for food and beat dogs." 

    The guards laughed, and Ye Xiaotian couldn't help but scolded: "Fuck you! I, Ye Xiaotian, can be prosperous in the small world of Tian Prison, and in the big world, I can be powerful in all directions. Just wait, if you don't get rich, I, Ye Xiaotian, won't come back!" 

    "Okay. Have ambition!" 

    "If you want it, you want it!"

    "Boss, we'll be waiting for you to return home!" 

    "What the boss said is that wherever you go, the people in prison No. 1 Xuanzi are also capable people!" 

    Ye Xiaotian looked around at every familiar face with a smile on his face. Gradually retreating, staring for a long time, Ye Xiaotian suddenly turned around, took a few steps, paused slightly, raised his hand to the people behind him, and then clenched his fist into the air and hit the prisoner Liu Yong. walk. 


    In the prison officer Liu Yong’s signing room, Liu Yong sat behind the case, frowning slightly, listening to Ye Xiaoan explain to him Intention. Ye Xiaoan was cowardly and honest. When he saw Liu Yong frowning slightly, his official authority was full of authority, and he was nervous. He felt that his anger was not enough, and he stuttered even more when he spoke, which made Liu Yong even more displeased. 

    In fact, as long as there is a male prisoner in the Ye family, there is no necessary requirement for whoever is to be a clerk. This kind of thing is not difficult to handle, and Liu Yong has no reason to object. It's just that Xiao An is too dumb, far less clever and alert than his brother Xiao Tian, ​​so Liu Yong is very unhappy. 

    When Ye Xiaotian came in, Liu Yong said unceremoniously to Ye Xiaoan: "You go out first, I have something to tell your brother.
The younger brother smiled, a look of gratitude and embarrassment on his face, Ye Xiaotian patted the elder brother on the shoulder affectionately, far less restrained in front of Liu Yong. 

    Ye Xiaoan walked out gently, and carefully closed the door. 

    As soon as the door was closed, prison manager Liu Yong frowned and said to Ye Xiaotian, "Is your father lost his mind? Xiaoan is such an honest kid. How can he not suffer in such a place? What can he do? Did your father force you to give up your seat? Tell me, I will make the decision for you" 

    Ye Xiaotian smiled and said, "Thank you for your love, this is what Xiaotian is willing to do. My eldest brother is honest and honest, he is not an effective messenger. , but it is precisely because he is honest and true, so he will never act nonsense and give you a slap in the bucket.

   From now on, please take good care of my brother. With your help, who would dare to bully him. "As for the boy, he's been in your care for so many years. He wouldn't be unable to find a meal outside the prison. If he can make a name for himself one day, he'll never forget your kindness." 

    Liu Yong's face softened, and he smiled: "You can speak well!" In this case, this official is not good at being that wicked person. Well, you can go out and meet the world. I heard that the Tianjing prison will be expanded next year. If there is a vacancy for the jailer, this official will recruit you back. When 

    Ye Xiaotian heard the great joy, there was no way to escape this time? He hurriedly bowed to thank him, and said, "The great kindness to the little one is as heavy as a mountain, and the little one will never forget it!" " 

    Liu Yong laughed and said: "You have always been good-natured and smart, and this official is taking advantage of his hand, so naturally he is reluctant to let you go. As long as you work hard with this official, you will definitely not be able to treat you badly. 

    Ye Xiaotian secretly slandered: "Following you, I don't see much benefit . As long as you can ask me a little less filial piety, so as not to snatch all my hard-earned money every month, then you really don't treat me badly. Although he thought so in his heart, he naturally didn't dare to show half of it on his face. Ye Xiaotian nodded and bowed his head in thanks, when the door suddenly clattered, and a few officers in blue clothes and small hats broke in. He swept his eyes and asked, "Who is Liu Yong? " 

    Liu Yong stood up slowly, hesitantly said: "This officer is, you are..." 

    At this time, another person walked in from behind the group of police officers. When Liu Yong saw that it was his immediate superior, the prison guard Luo Zhan , couldn't help being even more stunned. Liu Yong hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "Master Luo, these are..." 

    Luo Tiilao said with a sullen face: "Liu Yong, these are the officials of the Metropolitan Prosecutor's Office, and I am looking for you. The leader of the guards raised his thumb and said arrogantly, "We are under orders from the ministry's eldest master to bring you in for questioning. Let's Go!" As soon as he said that, he rushed up to two officers, throw the chain over Liu Yong's head and drag him away.

    Liu Yong said in a panic, "This, this, this... Where does this come from? Lord Luo, Lord Luo, why did the Superintendent of the Superintendent ask me questions?" 

    An officer shouted impatiently, "Where does all this nonsense come from? The little prison warden actually ignored the law and recklessly accepted bribes, colluding with the criminals inside and outside. At this moment, he still dares to put on an act. If there is no real evidence, the Minister of the Ministry will not bring you up.". Go, Go!"

   The hospital officials came and went in a hurry, and Liu Yong was swept away like a gust of wind. Luo Tilao didn't seem to see such a person as Ye Xiaotian. When Liu Yong was taken away, he snorted coldly and went out to arrange for someone to take over Liu Yong's position. 

    Ye Xiaotian stood there blankly, and after a while, a thought flashed in his mind, and he couldn't help but "squeak": "Liu Yong is my immediate boss, and he just said he wanted me to follow him, but something happened right away. Could it be that Yang Lin's unfortunate nightmare technique has taken effect? ​​No, no, even if it does work, I haven't left the capital yet, so naturally I can't break my promise." 

    Ye Xiaotian thought about it over and over again, and was sure that this matter had nothing to do with him . It doesn't matter, then he sighed softly, looked at the door that shook the door slightly and felt sad: "Liu Yong, what a good person he is, how come he was arrested, he hasn't done what he promised me yet..."


    Liu Yong was caught, and there was no way out of the sky. Ye Xiaotian could only put all his hopes on the 500 taels of silver, and left Beijing with a uneasy mood and endless hope.

    He is like a small fish that has been swimming in a small sandy bay since he was born. From the size of a needle to the thickness of a little finger, he always lives in that quiet water, and he is familiar with every water plant here. , every gravel, every stone. 

    But suddenly one day, the torrent of fate rolled it all the way to the sea, so this little fish, with an inexplicable fear, began to explore a completely unfamiliar new world.

    Ye Xiaotian's ability to adapt is undoubtedly very strong. On this journey south, he was cautious and uneasy, but he quickly adapted to the atmosphere of travel, and became more and more accustomed to the ever-changing environment around him. 

    It's just that the farther south you go, the more different cultural customs and dialect accents are from the north. If you are in a remote rural area, it is difficult to find people who can communicate in Mandarin, especially when it comes to inquiring about the road. 

    Fortunately, at most, Xiaotian stayed at the tip of the road along the way. When you need to ask for directions, find a larger storefront or someone like the chief of the village, and he can always ask for a long time. 

    Ye Xiaotian slept in the open and lived frugally. After two months, he finally arrived at the end of the world in his mind—Jingzhou House on Huguang Road. 

    When he left Beijing City, he brought five hundred coins with him, but at this time there were only more than twenty coins left in his pocket. What he brought was only the travel expenses for the outgoing journey, and there was no silver taels for the return journey. After this, there is a huge sum of five hundred taels of silver waiting for him to take, isn't it? 

-- Translated by Xiao Gu Shi --


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