Deliberately contaminated 刻意沾染 CHAPTER 4


Deliberately contaminated


The starry night is vast, and the summer wind blows.
  Jiang Huai has been accustomed to suppressing his emotions since he was a child. He was not born with a warm personality, and became colder as he grew older. As long as he can remember, his life has been a pool of extremely painful stagnant water. From time to time, sharp stones are smashed in, cutting the skin and making people bleed.

  In this world, there are also people who can live brightly and indulgently like this.
  The teenager pushed the cart forward, and Mingshuang trotted to catch up with him, still panting, with a trembling voice at the end, "Gege, please slow down, I won't be able to keep up with you."

  Jiang Huai did not speak. Under the dim light of the streetlights, Mingshuang looked up and saw the boy's long eyelashes fluttering gently in front of her. His skin was white, and the red stain behind his ears could not be hidden. Mingshuang secretly smiled in her heart.

  "It's already so late, I'm a girl, you won't let me go back alone, will you?" She stretched her voice, "I heard that the security around here is not good, I'm not familiar with the road, and I'm beautiful, what if I meet hooligans?"

  Jiang Huai seemed to be indifferent, she was the only one singing the one-man show until she came to the corner.
  "Which way?" he asked coldly, not looking at Mingshuang.
  Mingshuang blinked and smiled, "Gege, are you taking me home? Don't worry, my family lives near here, not far."
  She seemed to have completely forgotten that two minutes ago, she said that she was not familiar with the road.

  This road is connected to Nanyuan Road, and there is a famous villa area nearby. Located within the third ring road of Dancheng, the transportation is convenient, the environment is quiet and suitable, and there are famous schools such as Dancheng International, so it is also a place where famous Dancheng families gather. Many rich people will choose to buy a set of real estate here.

  "I sneaked out of the house to play and sat here watching the stars. I didn't expect to see you suddenly when I lowered my head." Mingshuang said, "It's mainly because you are too handsome and conspicuous."

  "So Ge, can I copy your homework tomorrow?" Mingshuang rubbed her nose on her face and repeated the old words, "I just transferred to another school, I'm not familiar with my life, I'm still adapting, I really don't have time."
  "Do it yourself," he said lightly.
  Mingshuang pouted.

  The girl had her hands behind her back, her voice was light, and she said something from time to time. The cold and beautiful boy pushed the car and walked a little ahead. It was a beautiful summer night.

  The sound of a horn came from behind, the beam of light broke through the night, a black Mercedes-Benz slowly drove by, the car stopped beside them, the man in the passenger side rolled down the window, revealing the face of a handsome young man, he asked in surprise, "Fifteen, why are you here?"

  Lu Cuo also has a villa nearby. After the dinner, he sent Mingshuang home, and then went out to do some errands. When he returned, he heard the driver say that he saw Miss Ming walking with a boy, and was on the road ahead. He thought it was the driver who had mistaken the person, but when he saw that it was really Mingshuang, he was surprised. He looked at Mingshuang, and then at the boy, he was very unfamiliar, he didn't know him at all.

  "Brother Lu." Mingshuang called him, "I ate too much at night, so I went out for a walk."
  Lu Cuo was a little helpless. Mingshuang was cute when she was a child, but now she was so wild that no one dared to restrain her.
  Lu Cuo said, "Come on, get in the car, I'll take you home."
  "That's your..." He wanted to ask the boy, only to find that when they were talking, the boy had already gone far.
  Mingshuang stared at Jiang Huai's back, the corners of her lips rose, "New classmate."

  She obviously didn't want to say more about the boy, so she put on her headphones after getting in the car and listened to music in the back seat. Lu Cuo wanted to ask several times, but he endured it. When Jiang Huai returned to the dormitory, it was already eleven o'clock, and it was time to turn off the lights. 

  Ruan Yangfan slept outside and left a lamp for him, "The class monitor is back." Several people still haven't slept, Wang Tao is reading online novels with relish, and Ruan Yangfan is playing games. High school life is boring, time is precious, and they only have this little time each day for themselves.

  "I have a buddy who is in the international school, and I asked him about Mingshuang while I was eating." Yang Gushou pressed the phone in the bed, "He is now replying to the message."
  "What's up!" Wang Tao raised his face from the novel.
  Who says men don't like gossip, they are all good at it.
  "It is said that she has a very spicy personality, most people can't handle it, many people chase her, and there are a lot of scandals... Maybe it's like this, it seems that she suddenly changed schools because of a man, I don't know what it has to do with her, I'll go to find out next time who he is."
  Ruan Yangfan said, "I also meet her condition, and I am also a scumbag."
  "Later when got older, almost can play." He went on and say, "Family so rich and pretty."
  "Come and play with me anytime."
  "Shit, you might as well look in the mirror."
  Several people burst into laughter.

  "Tell you guys, I just found out yesterday that there is a pretty girl in our next class..." The topic turned away from Mingshuang again.

  Seventeen or eighteen-year-old boys have nowhere to vent their energy. Under the huge study pressure in high school, the bedtime chat before going to bed has become a great way to relieve stress. At this time, they usually don't talk about study and the topics are all around beautiful girls and games.

  Jiang Huai never participated, and everyone was used to his reticence and indifference. He has a very regular schedule. The starry sky was shining brightly outside the window, and the fan in the dormitory was creaking. Jiang Huai closed his eyes and felt a little gloomy. This summer, the belated heat wave came extremely suddenly.

  The next day, early self-study, Mingshuang was late.
  She was halfway through her early self-study before she came late. The English teacher on duty was soft-tempered, and someone greeted her in advance. She just told her not to be late next time, and asked her to return to her seat.

  The homework was assigned yesterday, three test papers, and Mingshuang also got one. Most of the people had already done a lot of work in the self-study class yesterday afternoon. Mingshuang slept all afternoon and naturally didn't write a word.

  She was still drowsy, and as soon as she put away her schoolbag, she lay down on the table to catch up on sleep after a while. Class 201 had a quiet morning self-study. Today is English self-study. Most of the students are reviewing books, memorizing vocabulary, grammar and composition sentences.

  Mingshuang was very conspicuous when she was sleeping alone. Her school uniform had not arrived yet. She was wearing a small suspender hood, a rose-grey thin shirt, and short hot pants. Wu Qingmiao borrowed a book and looked back at her secretly. She seems to be dressed differently every day. Yesterday she was pure casual, and today she is a hot girl again. But her skin is fair and beautiful, and she looks good in anything she wears.

  Sitting with Jiang Huai, who was reading indifferently, had a very different temperament, but it was inexplicably seductive. She secretly took out a small mirror and looked at her simple ponytail and school uniform, and a new pimple appeared on the right side of her face, and some unspeakable sourness appeared in her heart. Who doesn't want to be able to look good in high school, wear clothes they like, and openly pursue the boys they like.

  The bell rang soon after class.
  Mingshuang just woke up slowly, she slept too soundly, her face was tender, and a shallow crease was pressed by her arm on the right side of her face.
  "Good morning." She greeted Jiang Huai, and halfway through, she yawned again, rubbing her eyes, but she was ignorant and cute.

  Jiang Huai glanced at the obvious dark circles under her eyes.
  "It's all your fault." Mingshuang noticed his eyes and pointed at her dark circles.
  Just as Jiang Huai was about to speak, she saw that she proudly took out three test papers from her schoolbag, all of which were filled to the brim, "Stingy, you won't lend me your homework to copy, and I will write it myself until midnight."
  "How are you going to pay me, Ge." She deliberately lowered her voice, using a volume that only the two of them could hear. His eyes were shining brightly, and a thin collarbone was exposed, and there was a sweet and girly fragrance on his body.

  Jiang Huai tightened her fingers, her expression still as usual.
  Mingshuang looked from the side and found that he had a small red beauty mole from the back of his neck to his shoulders, but the position was subtly stuck at the boundary point between visible and invisible. As soon as he moved, it was covered by his school uniform, and in a blink of an eye  she couldn't see it again.

  In the early morning sun, his face is clear and beautiful, human beings have some quirks, such as seeing a spot of fresh snow, they can't help but want to step footprints on.

  Li Qiaotian, the representative of the English class, held the paper and happened to walk to their desk and whispered, "Class monitor, collecting homework." Only then did Mingshuang realize that half of her body was about to fall on Jiang Huai, but she didn't care, stretched out, and handed her the test paper kindly, "This is mine."
  "Oh, thank you." Li Qiaotian took the test paper, her eyes fixed on Jiang Huai.
  Jiang Huai took out the test paper from the drawer and put it on the table.

  She flattened Jiang Huai's test papers, placed them at the top of the stack of test papers, and continued walking to the next row. Jiang Huai is like that. There are many girls in the school who like him, no one has ever succeeded, and it is even more hopeless than rejection - he has no intention of this at all, and no one can impress him, like a cold snow in winter.

  After lunch, Jiang Huai had not returned to the classroom. Mingshuang had a headache when she saw the book, and planned to walk around the class. She brought a lot of Hokkaido chocolate from home to school today, and only gave them to girls and she quickly broke the ice with everyone. Many people found that Mingshuang was easier to get along with than expected, so they slowly let go of their courage and started chatting with her.

  At noon, the classroom was sparsely populated. The girls sat around Wu Qingmiao's seat in the front row and chatted. Mingshuang waved her hand again, and gave everyone an all-inclusive afternoon milk tea, and you could order whatever flavor you like.
  ——Inadvertently talked about Jiang Huai.
  "The class monitor's grades are really good." Wu Qingmiao spoke of Jiang Huai, her face was a little red, "Is it the most promising of our level to be the top scholar of the province."

  She and Jiang Huai both ascended directly from Tanfu Junior High School. In junior high school, Jiang Huai was not as dazzling as he is now. The boy had a beautiful face, but he was very cold, extremely unsocial, and very defensive.
  "We used to secretly call him 'Ice Beauty'." Ning Yue, who was also a helicopter student, joked.

  Later, in high school, Jiang Huai grew up completely. He was tall and had a good temperament. In addition, his original grades had always been ranked first, so more and more people began to notice him.

  "The class monitor participated in the competition before and won the top place in our affiliated high school." Wu Qingmiao said, "Our mathematics teacher said that Jiang Huai is the most talented student he has ever brought."
  "Oh." Mingshuang said dryly, "That's pretty awesome." Anyway, for a scumbag like her, she thinks highly and the detail of how good he is, she didn't really listen.

  “But then, he didn't want to compete anymore,” Wu said. “He said he didn't like it anymore and wanted to take the college entrance examination.”
  "Actually, this is also good." Ning Yue said, "Anyway, if you can get the provincial champion in the college entrance examination, you can reach the top as well, and the scholarship will be given no less." Jiang Huai is not partial to subjects, and his grades are stable and good in every subject.

  The bell for self-study in the afternoon rang soon, and Mingshuang also returned to her seat to make up for sleep, and the seat next to her was still empty.

  Tanfu's summer vacation starts in mid-July. Because of the exams in a few days, there are very few courses in these days. However, for the students of Class 201, there is no pressure on the exams, the questions are too simple, and the physics and chemistry students get full marks in the exams. The foundation of Political and Geographical History is there, and it is enough to read the book before the exam. Many people have already started to do the college entrance examination mock paper.

  In the afternoon, Jiang Huai hadn't come back. Mingshuang noticed that the seats in the class were quite empty, so she asked a girl casually where they were going.
  "He should be going to the library." The girl said, "This Friday, you can go to the library for self-study in the afternoon."

  Tanfu's library is a special single-family building. The sun is hot outside. When Mingshuang arrived at the library, she was sweating. She understood the general structure and went inside.

  The wooden shelves are full of classified books, with a faint smell of ink. Mingshuang passed through the black mountain of books, walked to the self-study area, and saw Jiang Huai at a glance. He was sitting alone at the table by the window, holding a pen and concentrating on his calculations. When he focuses on one thing, he can't see anything next to him. Once addicted, it is extremely difficult to withdraw.

  He felt a sudden ice on his cheeks and his pupils suddenly widened. The girl held a can of cold sparkling water in one hand, and pressed it against his face, showing a sly smile that had succeeded in teasing. Mingshuang put her schoolbag down on the chair opposite him. Jiang Huai didn't take her drink, didn't drive her away, and didn't change her seat by herself.

  "I haven't issued a student card yet, so I can't get in to the library." Mingshuang seemed to complain, "The uncle at the door wouldn't let me in. I waited in the sun for a long time before someone came in with her card. It killed me."

  She was born white and turned red as soon as she basked in the sun.
  Mingshuang muttered to himself, and did not expect Jiang Huai to return.
  After a few minutes.
  "Crack", with a crisp sound, a card was thrown over. The boy withdrew his hand in silence and continued to write the test paper with his eyes down. On one side of the card is his upright and beautiful face, and next to it is his id and name, "Jiang Huai."
  "Ge, are you trying to lure me with photos?" Mingshuang caught it, blinking her eyes, "You don't have to, you look better in person than in photos."
  Jiang Huai, "..." 
        He almost wanted to get the card back, but he smiled at Mingshuang, and he held back his words, blood gushing behind his ears.
  "You gave it to me, what do you use?" Mingshuang asked again.
  "This is a spare card." His tone was even colder than before, and he didn't even look at her.

  Jiang Huai seemed to consent her to sit down on the opposite side. After this episode, he quietly changed a piece of calculation paper and continued to do his own thing. Ming Shuang put away the card and looked at Jiang Huai in boredom for a while. He seemed to be writing a math paper. Mathematics is the only subject she can read for the time being, and she doesn't bother to read other subjects with many words.

  Jiang Huai's characters are beautifully written, as are the numbers. She was bored and flipped through the drafts he used up, many of them she couldn't understand. The young man's eyelashes trembled suddenly, and his dark eyes suddenly looked at her, mixed with surprise and unspeakable emotions. The girl's snow-white slender legs, like snakes, hooked onto his right leg, kicked him lightly, and quickly released it as if nothing had happened.

  "Brother, why are you blushing?" A small piece of paper was pushed over, with round writing, she looked at him with a pure face, her expression pure and innocent.
  A flirtatious beauty snake that eats people.
  Jiang Huai stood up from his seat with his schoolbag in his hand, his lips were red from biting himself, and his ears were hot, and the numbers were all forgotten.

-- Translated by Xiao Gu Shi --


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